

fm back again

silakan mas . hahahaha

just fuckin simple
dadakan tanpa persiapan apa tapi hajar aja hahaha



yo !

indra a.k.a prof d(kk crew)

osa (otista street art)


paint kill wall

susah payah naiknya lagi
haha setelah di teliti ada throw up nya cope 2. hahaha
krazy monday . dengan tiga perjaka ibu kota tezt ray14 kemz


R.I.P iz the wiz graffiti legend

Iz the Wiz, graffiti legend and one of the forefathers of hip-hop culture and graffiti art passed away on Wednesday morning at 3 am from heart failure. The artists collapsed at his brother’s home and was rushed to the hospital.
Iz The Wiz is without question one of New York City’s most prolific writers of all time. He holds the title of the All time All City King of New York City Subways, and only one person holds that prestigious honor. In aka Kill 3 is credited with the most extensive all-city bomb in NYC during 1975 and 76, but Iz was the longest reigning all-city king in NYC history, taking the title many times throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Iz was well known for his throw-ups in the mid 1970s on the IND and BMT subway divisions. In the late 1970s he broadened his focus by working on top-to-bottoms, burners and scenery whole cars on the prestigious 2 and 5 lines of the IRT subway division. During this period he simultaneously maintained all-city throw-up king status. He painted for a variety of top level crews. He has served as president of The Master Blasters and the Queens division of Prisoners Of Graffiti. He has also painted for The Odd Partners, The Crew, The Three Yard Boys and others too numerous to mention. Iz appeared in the documentary film Style Wars and portrayed a transit police detective in the film Wild Style. His work has been displayed in museums and galleries throughout the world. Iz played a major role in the development of writing and provided inspiration for every generation of writer that exists. Hailing from Queens Iz took over the city subway system line by line. During his career, there was a time when he was doing at least 100 throw-ups every night, for an entire year. The dedication and love for writing is apparent in all of his works, from the burners on the trains, to the sketches on paper, and the canvases that capture the essence of writing, Iz often drops little side notes next to his the pieces, a little message that takes a minute to sink in and when it does, you always get a grin. Iz is also known for his epic role played in the film Style Wars. His witty remarks remain some of the most quoted words and phrases in the writing lexicon. When just the words you have said 20 years ago are recognized and used in current conversations, you have successfully made your mark in the world. In the film Iz was asked “when will you stop”, and he replied “will come back every now and then to let people know I am still around.” The true beauty is the fact that he never left and continues to bless the people with gems that capture the essence of what graffiti writing all about.


another shit

iseng aja si jabray
what are you lookin at?
iseng aje pilox orang


throw throw throw

ray one four . egot sistem . teztikel satu
session buang cans

ray 14 anniversary after party haha

yo yo yo

ga ada persiapan , cans makin langka , naik pula harganya , musim hujan paling sinjing , ngrumpi curhat bareng sambil nunggu hujan , hahaha


rain cant stop us

part 1

part 2
hari yang melelah kan bagi kami


underground highscoope

respect to yeah obey. haha


mari bersama kita lindungi bumi ini dari global warming

1. Tidak menancapkan colokan listrik walaupun ketika alat elektronik itu dimatikan = menghemat 40-50% biaya listrik yang harus anda bayarkan tiap bulannya. Dan berarti pula, mengurangi panas yang timbul dari alat elektronik yang merembet ke pemanasan global.

2. Kantong plastik butuh waktu 1000 tahun untuk terurai di TPA(tempat pembuangan akhir). Sekitar 300 juta buah kantong plastik dibuang tiap tahunnya di Indonesia .
Belum lagi yang dibuang di sungai belakang rumah dan tempat2 yang tidak semestinya.
Dan 10kg kertas koran yang siap di jual loakan... itu membutuhkan 1 pohon yang butuh waktu 10tahun untuk jadi besar. Bayangkan yang terjadi dengan ilegal logging... how many trees has been cutdown for you? Imagine how they make the world hotter?

3. Ketika kamu membeli 1 liter air mineral di supermarket = beli 5 liter air. Tanya kenapa?
Karena di pabrik, untuk mendinginkan botol plastik panas yang baru dicetak, membutuhkan 5 liter air...
Kode botol apa yang aman digunakan sebagai botol air? Lihat tanda dibawah botol, cari nomor 2,3 atau 4.... selain nomor2 itu... they're not safe, karena sama aja kamu makan plastik!!!!

4.. Tisue yang uda di pakai itu ngga bisa di recycle... begitu juga karton2 yang bekas kena minyak, makanan, kue, minuman... They're only a waste... yang mau ngga mau tanahlah yang harus merecycle.
Perkiraan orang memakai tisue 6 biji sehari. 2.200 biji setaun. Berarti kira2 44 MILIAR biji seluruh Indonesia setaun... Kalau kita menghemat 1 lembar ajah tiap hari... berarti kita mengurangi sampah kertas sebanyak 7 MILIIAR biji setaon... HEBAT KAN ?

5. Be Green on ATM? Kalo di BCA kan ada yang ambil duit ngga pake receipt... atau be smart dong... Transfer lewat Internet banking ato mobile banking....
8 MILIAR kali transaksi di ATM yang mengeluarkan kertas receipt tiap taun adalah salah satu sumber sampah terbesar di dunia.
Kalau selama setahun orang transaksi ngga pake kertas receipt, itu akan menghemat satu roll besar kertas yang bisa buat melingkari garis equator sampe 15 kali...

6. Minimal punya 2 macam tempat sampah dirumah, membantu mengurangi polusi air, udara dan tanah.
Pisahkan sampah basah (sisa makanan dan masakan, daun, minuman) dan sampah kering ( botol, plastik, kertas, kaca)
Lebih baik lagi untuk memisahkan sampah menurut 4 kelas :
Plastik ( pembungkus makanan, kantong kresek, kantong belanjaan)
Rumah tangga ( tulang ayam, sisa capcay, makanan basi)
Kertas (Pembungkus gorengan, popok bayi, tisue yang sudah dipakai)
Buku bekas catatan, kertas2 tagihan, koran, kertas iklan... disendirikan untuk dijual
Logam (kaleng susu, kaleng makanan) dan kaca.
Hanya butuh waktu 2 bulan untuk menjadikan sampah rumah tangga menjadi kompos yang bisa dipakai lagi untuk pupuk tanaman...

7. Polar Bear / Beruang kutub ngga bisa berenang... tapi karena global warming di Kutub Utara, mereka harus berenang 30km untuk mencari es tempat berteduh.

mari kawan kita buat bumi ini kembali indah dan lebih baik dari sebelumnya
lebih baik terlambat dari pada tidak sama sekali
